Hey all,

It's hard to see in the pic, but its a golden, bronze color and I think it's going to great with the dresser we refinished.
Geez it's been a crazy last couple of weeks with getting things ready for baby. Preparing the baby room took us longer than expected, but it's almost done! Gallagher finished the painting and it looks wonderful! The two tone green/bluish color turned out better than I even imagined it would.
While visiting Chris and Ashley in Jacksonville, I went looking for a crib and ended up deciding on one Gallagher and I had looked at online. It's this amazingly beautiful wrought iron crib we had initially liked, however, had decided to hold off on. We had ordered about three weeks and it finally came in this week, we just haven't had an opportunity to put it together and man, is it heavy!
While visiting Chris and Ashley in Jacksonville, I went looking for a crib and ended up deciding on one Gallagher and I had looked at online. It's this amazingly beautiful wrought iron crib we had initially liked, however, had decided to hold off on. We had ordered about three weeks and it finally came in this week, we just haven't had an opportunity to put it together and man, is it heavy!

It's hard to see in the pic, but its a golden, bronze color and I think it's going to great with the dresser we refinished.
As far as goldfish, she's been moving around a lot and occasionally jabs me in the ribs and bladder lol. I've also been having some issues with my lower back. It gets really sore if I sit or stand for too long, so I ocassionally need lay on my back for a little while to give it a break. I was also having some issues with sleep, but I finally crumbled and bought a "snoogle," which is this long, skinny pillow that wraps around my body like a boa constrictor. It's made a world of difference and I believe everyone should have one! just ask Gallagher- who I swear takes naps with it when I'm not home:) See below:
One positive thing I can definitely say about being pregnant is that it's really helped me slow my roll and practice a little more "mindfulness" in my life. I have to put so much more thought into everything I do (i.e. getting dressed in the morn) that it's forced me to do only one thing at a time. I'm hoping to keep this going even after goldfish arrives, even though I know things are going to be hectic!
Stretch marks: none yet. I've been pretty good about using coconut butter, and none so far.
Bellybutton- in or out? my belly button is protruding out but I've been promised it'll go back to normal
Engagement ring- on or off? still wearing it!
Sleep: Sleeping greaaaaaat! Thanks to my "snoogle"!
Best moment this week? finding out that everything okay after we had a little scare where I thought I didn't feel her movement like I usually do.
Movement: Lots of movement. She's been moving around like crazy and we're starting to see her feet and hands stick out!
Food craving: fruit and frozen yogurt. Nuberri has become an obsession of mine.
Gender? girl
Labor signs? thankfully, no
What I miss? having my energy back completely
What I'm looking forward to? not the actual birthing process, but her arrival!
Emotions: Pretty stable and happy
One positive thing I can definitely say about being pregnant is that it's really helped me slow my roll and practice a little more "mindfulness" in my life. I have to put so much more thought into everything I do (i.e. getting dressed in the morn) that it's forced me to do only one thing at a time. I'm hoping to keep this going even after goldfish arrives, even though I know things are going to be hectic!
Week 27 |
Week 28 |
Week 29 |
How far along: 29 days
Weight gain: 13 pounds or so
Maternity clothes: Bought a new dress from Old NNavy
Weight gain: 13 pounds or so
Maternity clothes: Bought a new dress from Old NNavy
Stretch marks: none yet. I've been pretty good about using coconut butter, and none so far.
Bellybutton- in or out? my belly button is protruding out but I've been promised it'll go back to normal
Engagement ring- on or off? still wearing it!
Sleep: Sleeping greaaaaaat! Thanks to my "snoogle"!
Best moment this week? finding out that everything okay after we had a little scare where I thought I didn't feel her movement like I usually do.
Movement: Lots of movement. She's been moving around like crazy and we're starting to see her feet and hands stick out!
Food craving: fruit and frozen yogurt. Nuberri has become an obsession of mine.
Gender? girl
Labor signs? thankfully, no
What I miss? having my energy back completely
What I'm looking forward to? not the actual birthing process, but her arrival!
Emotions: Pretty stable and happy
You look amazing!! Love the crib and the snoogle!! So glad all is well :)