Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 18

Officially into week 18 and that much closer to figuring out the gender of that baby. Along with that benchmark, have come a lot of changes. For one, I can say I am officially showing a "bump." I'm still  within that range though were I think people who don't know are afraid to ask me about it. Upon finding out, one of the ladies at work told me that she actually thought I was finally putting on some "much needed pounds" and someone said, "oh, I thought I just happened to keep seeing you immediately after you'd eaten a nice-sized lunch." But, yes, it felt so gooood to finally announce the news at work.  I work with all women and I couldn't imagine a more warm and supportive environment. With that being said, one of the ladies recommended I rent one of those heart monitor things. At first I thought it would be a little weird and excessive, but we've actually had a really good time using it. I've attached one our recordings of the heart beat below if you choose to listen. If so, fast forward to second 42 to actually hear the heartbeat.

Baby Heartbeat-4.m4a

I finally purchased some pregnancy pants and it has made the world of difference. I was surprised to see that Goodwill actually had a nice little section, in which I found one pair, and then I bought the other three from Old Navy, Gap, and Target. I was surprised by how many chain stores actually offered a maternity clothes online. On the downside, I have started struggling with sleep. In my whole life, I've never had any issues with sleeping through the night and even have trouble watching a movie after 8 because I usually fall asleep. But recently, I've been unable to get to bed any earlier than 2am and once I do, its a very slight sleep in which I wake up at least every hour or so. I've read online and in my books that its pretty typical at this stage and its usually due to hormones and stress. I would agree with the stress for sure. Hence, I made my way to first prenatal yoga class last Tuesday and found it to be AMAZING. The instructor was great and it the class was super relaxing and just awesome. I thought it would be similar to regular yoga just with come accommodations, but instead the instructor set the room up like a spa retreat with blankets, candles and a elevated pillow/backrest on each mat that I can only best describe as a yoga recliner. I cannot wait to go back!

How far along: 18 weeks

Weight gain: not sure, I would guess 3 pounds

Maternity clothes: Yes! Three pairs of pants and man, does it feel good.

Stretch marks: none

Bellybutton- in or out? it's still laying flat and normal

Engagement ring- on or off? still wearing it!

Sleep:  poor

Best moment this week? yoga class

Movement: I felt what I think was a kick

Food craving: my fruit obsession continues, nothing new.

Gender? Not yet

Labor signs? thankfully, no

What I miss? being able to get a good night's sleep

What I'm looking forward to? Finding out the gender soon

Emotions:  Pretty stable and happy

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