Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 19

We found out this week that the baby is a little girl! Yay for finally being able to narrow down a bit what we will buy for the baby. Andrea came for a visit and really helped me  start the process of looking at furniture, plus different fabrics for curtains.  I am really grateful to have such great friends.

For our 19 week visit, we were told the gender, but they also checked on the baby overall (length, weight, spinal cord, head circumference, etc). Initially, we were seen by a nurse and she took tons of pictures of the baby from all kinds of different angles. It seemed like she didn't even have to move the thingy around that much, since the baby was basically doing front/back flips the whole time. The nurse was doing a lot of typing and not saying a whole lot, which initially made me worried. I finally asked her to explain, and she reassured us that the doctor would go over everything in more detail but that it all looked great. Then, after about what seemed like forever, she finally magnified the screen to make out the genitalia. She immediately said "girl" and then drew a large arrow with the words "It's a girl!" written across.  See below (bottom picture):
FYI: Doing a lot better with sleeping, however, I need to purchase one of those big body pillows to help me start sleeping on my side. My whole life I've been more of a side sleeper, but I guess the added pressure on my back has made me want to revert to my back now. Which is not good, since it's not recommended to sleep on your back after 19-20 weeks, since the pressure of the baby will weight on arteries and slow the blood flow to you and the baby's heart.

Also, can I say, I really miss being able to have wine or beer. It's gotten easier, but I am really looking forward to a nice big glass of red wine.

How far along: 19 weeks

Weight gain: not sure, I would guess 3 pounds

Maternity clothes: No new purchases this week. Think I'm good for now.

Stretch marks: none

Bellybutton- in or out? it's still laying flat and normal

Engagement ring- on or off? still wearing it!

Sleep:  better

Best moment this week? finding out the gender

Movement: I 've been feeling little air bubbles, which I think is the movement.
Food craving: fruit, cereal, and yogurt
Gender? GIRL!

Labor signs? thankfully, no

What I miss?  beer and wine this week

What I'm looking forward to? Finding out the gender soon

Emotions:  Pretty stable and happy